Thursday, February 11, 2016

Update Be Late

We haven't forgotten to update.  Just not a lot of blah blahs to report. 
 Which is probably a good thing!

Bobbi had a mid-treatment consultation with her oncologist today.  It was very educational and encouraging.  Along with her newly founded "yoga studio" on her third floor, she gets closer and closer to enlightenment.  

Her tumor is responding to the chemotherapy.  She started her second set of Chemo with a different drug that is administered weekly.  While it's supposed to be a chemo-light, we think of it as more a "chemo-lie."  She has nausea again and lots of aches and pains in her joints.  She suffered through quite a bit of mouth sores with the first type of chemo and longer bouts of nausea and that has lessened. least she has that going for her! 

She continues to show her strong heart and fighting spirit and is getting out and about more with the nausea lessening.  Two foster puppies graduated Bobbi Babies Boot Camp and have moved onto their new homes.  She has 8 weeks left of this chemo and then she'll get an MRI with an update on the tumor.  After that she'll be able to make a decision on what type of operation she'll get.  

  • A lumpectomy could become an option, but with a substantially higher rate of recurrence.  But an outpatient procedure with a quick recovery, but the added burden of radiation.
  • A double mastectomy with a much  longer and more painful recovery, but a lower chance of recurrence.  Our tough girl is leaning towards this.  
    After a little blood pressure concern, she started a med for that and it was lowered to acceptable levels within 2 days.  Achy joints are part of the package as well so while maybe moving a little slower, yoga is helping too!  A trip to the ophthalmologist was needed for some leaking eyes.  NO, not tears, remember she's a tough "broad," (-Mary Casey term) 

Up next, girls trip to Florida and then back for the rest of this chemo round.  

She thanks everyone as always for all the good wishes, positive karma and overall support.  She's gushing with thanks and love for all.  
Here's hoping to an early spring!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Looking forward to Happy Holidays with Hats and Hair

Fashionable AND Filling

Bobbi completed her first round of chemotherapy on the Friday before Thanksgiving.  As expected she felt like poo, but it only lasted about 4-5 days.  She got to enjoy having both girls home from college and Oliver was glad to have the whole family together for the Thanksgiving holiday.  They opted to stay at home on Thursday for a quiet dinner per her doctor's advice to avoid any germs as her immune system is pretty much kaput from the chemo.  

After the queasiness from the first chemo treatment subsided, she was able to get back into the swing of things. She and Boodie went to have her blood drawn to check her toxicity levels and she reports that "they are poisoning me right on schedule."

She's been able to have some silly time with her peeps and they got to try on some hats and hair in preparation for her hair loss.  It's been predicted to fall out guessed it, on Lump Day.    
aka tomorrow.
  12/2 Update:  today is officially now know as "Clump Day" per Bobbi's pillow this morning. 
Follicles of Fun!

Some other suggestions...
Something subtle and understated...
     Always the animal lover...
ALWAYS!  (watch me neigh neigh)
'Tis The Season!
Boodie wants this one but with her
iPhone. (for practical purposes)
Creative Crafting
with Cancer 101
She goes back for her second round of chemotherapy this Friday and while not looking forward to it, she feels better about knowing what to expect.  She's received lots of lovely gifts (now referred to as "booby prizes") and is grateful, but doesn't want for a single thing but "love and karma all around."

In lieu of gifts or meals, the Knights of Columbus & Bobbi's friends have decided to host an event to show our support for the Kraus family in the way we know best.  A party!   
"Boozing for Bobbi's Boobies!" 
(title of party not official nor church approved, but the alliteration was too fabulous to resist.)

We are excited to announce a Poker night in the Kraus's honor scheduled for next Friday night 12/11 up at Tighe hall.  (Basement of Visitation Church)  Come by for some cards, Texas Hold 'Em! and cocktails and even some fabulous prizes to bid on in a silent auction.  Share the word!  Like the hymn goes, "All Are Welcome" and we can all show our love and support to the Kraus Family.  Link here. 

Hope to see y'all next Saturday!
(*Kenny Rogers appearance subject to scheduling.)

Monday, November 16, 2015

A perfect Blah day to start Bob's Blah Blah Blog.

Bobbi was diagnosed with stage 2 Breast Cancer and instead of taking the traditional route, we all kind of decided a blog would be a better way to keep everyone informed.  In keeping with Bobbi's upbeat attitude toward facing this battle, she is jumping headfirst into getting treatment and is approaching it with a light heart and positive attitude.  She has been inundated with so much info that a common refrain during many doctor's appointments has been, "...and blah blah blah."  
We know everyone wants to be kept informed and thought this might be the simplest way to go about it.  
Bobbi found a lump in her left breast after the first world series game, (Wednesday now referred to as Lump Day) so not only having to deal with a tired hang over having been supporting the Royals like any good fan into the wee hours of the morning, she also felt some pain in her left breast.  After feeling a supspicious lump, she immediately contacted a doctor and her and Boodie went off to get a mammogram.

The results weren't exactly what they were hoping, but it definitely could've been worse and for that they are grateful.  Bobbi says she knew as soon as the mammogram started and they whisked her into the sonogram room for an hour long procedure, that things were probably not going to be indicative of a false alarm.  She also stated that while everyone was so supportive and helpful at that office, that maybe the sonogram tech should look into some acting classes, because while she couldn't tell Bobbi anything, it was "written ALL over her face and then she started turning splotchy.  And teary.  And I felt like I had to comfort her!"  -Bobbi

So when she flunked the Mammogram, she scheduled a biopsy for the following Monday.  The doctors were in no way saying this might not be a big deal.  They prepared for bad news and received it.  But in true Bobbi fashion, she went into it with her sunny disposition and positive attitude that you can see in the photo below as they arrived for the biopsy.  

The Diagnosis

Formerly Bobbi has Stage 2b Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.  Or bad boobie disease.  
Still questionable is whether it is bilateral, aka on both sides until further testing.  

Treatment Plan

This Wednesday,(Another reason to rename Hump Day to Lump Day)  she will undergo general anaesthesia to have a port inserted to begin receiving Chemotherapy on Friday.   She will receive 20 weeks of chemotherapy, the first 8 weeks on a bi-monthly schedule.  The last 12 will be done weekly.  After that, a double mastectomy is planned but not scheduled until Chemotherapy is complete.  Her family, friends and neighbors have come up with a driving schedule for the chemo treatments and are also putting together a meal plan.  Not many are needed as it's just the three of them now so we're not anticipating a need for offers of meals to be dropped off.  If you feel the need to contribute in some way, we'll post needs and wants and other information here so check back!

Right now all she's asking for is "Love and Good Vibes" and she is ready to get started.  Thanks for all the love and support received so far and we'll update you soon!

Bobbi's Bad Ass Boobie Buddies
(her words)

Way to go Royals!